
An automated ETL data pipeline for immigration, temperature and demographics information

This project is maintained by HakbilenBerk

Udacity Data Engineering Capstone Project: Automated-Data-Pipeline

Project by Berk Hakbilen

Data pipeline for immigration,temperature and demographics information

Goal of the project

In this project the immigration information from the US is extracted from SAS files along with temperature and demographics information of the cities from csv files. The datasets are cleaned and rendered to JSON datasets on AWS S3. Later on JSON data is loaded on to staging tables on Redshift and then transformed to a star schema tables which also reside on Redshift. The whole pipeline is automated using Airflow.


The database schema was constructed for following usecases:

Database Model


The data is stored on a Redshift cluster on AWS. The Redshift contains the staging tables which serve the purpose of hold the data from JSON files in S3 Bucket. Redshift cluster also contains a fact table called immigrations where immigration/travel information of individuals are listed. I used immigrations as the fact table where through the city attribute the queries can be extraploted to other dimension tables such as demographics, temperature and visa details to obtain further correlations between the immigration/travel information. I opted for the star schema to optimize the database for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

Database Dictionary

Please refer to “Airflow/data/I94_SAS_Labels_Descriptions.SAS” for abbreviations.

Immigration Fact Table

Table Column Data Type Description
immigration_id (PRIMARY_KEY) numeric immigration id number
year numeric year of immigration
month numeric month of immigration
country_code numeric country of immigrant
city_code varchar arrival city
arrival_date numeric date of arrival
travel_mode numeric type of travel(sea, air…)
state varchar arrival state
age numeric age of immigrant
gender varchar gender of immigrant
flight_no varchar Flight number

Visa Details Dimension Table

Table Column Data Type Description
visa_id (PRIMARY_KEY) numeric visa id number - auto generated
travel_purpose numeric purpose of travel
admission_number numeric admission number
visa_type varchar type of the visa
visa_expiration varchar Expiry date of the visa

Temperature Dimension Table

Table Column Data Type Description
temp_id (PRIMARY_KEY) varchar temperature id number
date date date of measurement
ave_temp numeric average temperature that day
city varchar city of measurement
country varchar country of measurement
latitude varchar latitude of measurement
longitude varchar longitude of measurement

Demographics Dimension Table

Table Column Data Type Description
demo_id (PRIMARY_KEY) varchar demographics id
city varchar city
state varchar state
median_age numeric median of the age of population
male_population numeric male population
female_population numeric female population
total_population numeric total population
foreign_born numeric number of foreign-born residents
ave_household_size numeric the average number of household
state_code varchar code of the state the city is located in
race varchar name of a specific race
count numeric number of residents of that specific race

Tools and Technologies used

The tools and technologies used:

Source Datasets

The datasets used and sources include:

Airflow: DAG Representation

Main DAG


The file used to convert the source data to JSON data on S3 bucket is thought of as a one time run process to convert the data. Therefore, it is not implemented in the DAG as a task.


Firstly, clone this repo.

Create a virtual environment called venv and activate it

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/Scripts/activate

You can access Airflow UI on your browser by going to:


Use user= user and password= password to login to Airflow.


  1. Fill in your AWS access and secret keys in the aws.cfg file under Airflow/ directory.

  2. Create an S3 Bucket on AWS and fill in the S3_Bucket in aws.cfg with your bucket address (s3a://your_bucket_name)

  3. Create a new folder called “data_sas” under airflow/data. Download the SAS data files from here and copy them in the folder you just created. Also download “GlobalLandTemperaturesByCity.csv” from here and copy it under airflow/data along with other csv files (Because these data files are too large, they are not included in this repo. Therefore you need to download them manually).

  4. Change to airflow/tools directory and run the This will read in the source files into Spark, transform them to JSON and write to the given S3 bucket.
  5. Go to “http://localhost:8080/” in your browser. Click on the Admin tab and select Connections. Admin tab

  6. Under Connections, select Create.

  7. On the create connection page, enter the following values:
    • Conn Id: Enter aws_credentials.
    • Conn Type: Enter Amazon Web Services.
    • Login: Enter your Access key ID from the IAM User credentials.
    • Password: Enter your Secret access key from the IAM User credentials. aws_credentials Once you’ve entered these values, select Save and Add Another.
  8. Create a Redshift cluster on AWS. On the next create connection page, enter the following values:
    • Conn Id: Enter redshift.
    • Conn Type: Enter Postgres.
    • Host: Enter the endpoint of your Redshift cluster without the port at the end.
    • Schema: Enter the Redshift database you want to connect to.
    • Password: Enter the password you created when launching your Redshift cluster.
    • Port: Enter 5439. redshift Once you’ve entered these values, select Save.
  9. Run main_dag under DAGS by toggling its switch from off to on.

How to handle possible scenarios